Michael Primeaux

Parallel and Distributed Systems

Fare Collection Revenue Stream

I recently spoke with Richard Tackett, Editor in Chief of American trade publication BUSRide, to discuss fare collection best practices with a focus on revenue.

Originally posted on BUSRide Magazine and subsequently referenced by Vix Technology, here are my responses featured alongside other industry commentators. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that DevOps and software engineering displine are fundamental when designing and constructing parallel and distributed systems at a quality level commensurate with that of commercial software.


Developer Testing

Why is it important to write automated tests? I’m asked this question far too often by software engineering teams. The usual response I receive after asking someone why they don’t write tests usually is because “I don’t have time”. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, valuable time is saved by writing tests first. Writing tests is an important and fundamental concept to our craft. So much so that I thought best to write about it.


A Healthy Lifestyle: Part 2

A year ago today, I posted an article describing my decision to raise the priority of a healthy lifestyle.

Last year was very busy for me professionally. I decided very early that in order to become healthier, I needed to design my workout schedule and nutritional plan with efficiency in mind. The fundamental areas of physical health are nutrition and exercise. The purpose of this post is simply to share my thoughts on what I’ve learned over the past year with respect to nutrition.


A Healthy Lifestyle: Part 1

I recently moved to Chicago and, as part of that overall effort, decided to raise the priority of a healthy lifestyle. As with most people who have a pulse, I am not getting any younger and so am very keen to avoid prescription medication. Fundamentally, understanding how the changes I decide to make toward this goal must start with the measurement of a set of baseline indicators and, more importantly, the method of inquiry to attain this baseline and the resulting influence of changes in my diet and lifestyle must be based on empirical and measurable evidence.


Parallel and Distributed System Design, Part 2

The map is not the territory. – Alfred Korzybsky in Science and Sanity, 1933

This is the second post in a series where I’ll discuss various aspects of parallel and distributed system design. I’d like to provide a brief introduction to taxonomy (or classification of data) and eventual consistency as these building blocks are fundamental to parallel and distributed system design.


Universal Frameworks for iOS

As of the time of this writing, Xcode does not offer a framework project to for Cocoa Touch (only Cocoa). Apple’s primary reasons behind this decision are security, performance, and memory footprint. As such Xcode limits iOS developers to the Static Library project type. Static libraries are quite cumbersome to work with since we must make compile-time decisions when working with the iOS Simulator or an iOS device. The iOS simulator on Mac OS X uses the i386 architecture whereas the iOS devices use either armv6 or armv7.

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